Monday, April 13, 2009

9th IS session (11/04/009) - Summary

History of Pakistan is totally interlaced with voices and wishes of people. Any writer, poet or visionary whoever successfully adhered to desires and values of common mass or marked their value of existence has excelled sphere of all ages. In this way, our National account is filled with One Voice," Voice of People". Every successive period of 20 years consist upon a person who communicates with society through indigenous tone, understanding and language.

Though, it’s a clear reflection whoever implicitly encompass or approach thoughts of people on every levels, always remain in heart core of society. Primarily, on large scale, people would like to see following attributes in these representatives of society; Co- existence, Unifying, Assimilation, Inter-marriages, Development of Muslim State, Better role of women and Mysticism (National as well as Individual) moves towards life. There are some fixed patterns and Math that has been set by Nature which altogether link up connections among these people of different ages.

It is concluded by every mean of turns and counts that consensus or joint force of people contains enormous power of faith, change and harmony. It can bring vehement transformation as well as disintegration of its structure leads towards harsh sequels for Human Fate.

Things which are passing in extrinsic and intrinsic world through our conscious and subconscious states respectively contain some different messages and codes for its people. The significant point is this, if that code is ever tried to comprehend through individual approach, then that can never be accessed up to its core. On contrary to this, upon collective basis people can influence, realize and modify these worlds or even able to pass Hardest Hurdle of any realm.

Collective ego in popular media – Saturday, April 18
“Achieve a real collective ego,” said Iqbal in the Presidential Address after outlining his concept of Pakistan. In what ways has our collective ego unfolded itself through popular media? The answers might surprise you.

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